Our nephew, Darrell married Eve Farnsworth in the Mt. Timponogus Temple on June 24, 2010. Dan, Shelly, Andrew and Jacinda left at 7:00 am that morning from St. George to attend. Martha and 6 of their 12 kids came from Tennessee, Art, Apryl and some of their kids and Nancy attended and it was so great to see just about all of Jon's kids together outside the temple. Jacinda came in from California, where she is attending art school. She stayed at our home the night before we left. It was awesome to have Dara in the temple to witness Darrell's marriage.
We think that Eve is reallly great and a good match for Darrell. I told Darrell that I was his 4th mom since he lived with us several times over his life. He has his mom, Dara, step mom, Lesa, Martha who he also lived with and me! Weddings are great family get togethers!
We helped with the lunch at their church and then went to go and pick up Danielle, Steve and Alexa from the SLC airport. They flew in for a week break. We went back to the reception at the church in Provo and enjoyed visiting with Guy and kids and other relatives. Andrew always enjoys hanging out with Jon's boys. We even got to go to the Marriott center and see Jonba play a basketball game inbetween. We dropped Danielle, Steve and Alexa off in Orem at Steve's place where they will visit for a few days before heading down to visit with us on Sunday evening. What a great quick weekend. We drove back to St. George that night.
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