After months of planning, building and preparing the day finally arrived for the Little Valley Stake Trek. It was a different kind of trek from those we have done in the past. It was a temple trek entitled, "Aspire Higher". We trekked 5 miles in, built a replica of the St. George Temple, and then trekked 2 miles out.
Dan and served on the Building and Food Committees. We tried to cut down on the amount of adults going so it really did major work for all of those who did go. We had 24 families each with a Ma and Pa and about 13-14 youth in each family.
So we fed about 400 people each meal. Seven of us met at Costco the day before the trek and devided up a well organized shopping list and under the direction of Genevieve Dalley, spent $6,500. on food. We had too many carts to count and then took it all out side and loaded a huge refrigerated truck. It was awesome to have that as it would have been impossible to put it all in coolers.
The weather was perfect though there were many sunburned cheeks and it was a little cold at night. The kids had a great time learning about pioneer life, playing games, square dancing and listening to a few speakers. Of course the highlight was seeing the completed temple. Pres. Topham spoke to the youth at the top and encouraged them to reach for the temple and aspire higher in their lives.
We made goody baskets for 13 of the key players on Monday and delivered them to thank them for their many hours of service. We included home made bread, zucchini bread, home made jam, homemade honey candy, home grown vegetables, fruit, taffy, snicker doodles and we through in a few eggs from the neighbors chickens to remember the chickens that came along on the trek. Each family was responsible for trekking with and keeping a chicken. A few met their demise just in time for the final dutch oven chicken dinner!