Monday, September 6, 2010

Andrew's Homecoming Pictures!

Andrew took Kaitlyn Clove from our ward to the DHHS Homecoming Dance on September 4. It was the first date for both of them. They had driven together in Driver's Training so I think Andrew felt comfortable with her. There were 7 couples in their group that Andrew knew from running Cross Country. For the day date they went to the park and played kick ball in the sprinklers and had lunch. Then they came to our house and played on the giant slip and slide and ate ice cream.
They picked the girls up later at 6:30. Russ Clove met Andrew at the door with a rifle and half of the neighborhood was there to watch Kaitlyn and Andrew exchange flowers. Then they were off to Olive Garden for dinner and then took pictures before heading over to the dance at a car dealership down town. They all had a great time and they made a great looking couple. Ahhh to be 16 again! Not!

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